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device and rule中文是什么意思

用"device and rule"造句"device and rule"怎么读"device and rule" in a sentence


  • 分散控制
  • "device"中文翻译    n. 1.设计,计划;方法,手段。 2.〔pl.〕意志, ...
  • "rule"中文翻译    n. 1.规则,规定;法则,定律;章程,规章;标准;(教 ...
  • "a rule" 中文翻译 :    那是极平常的一件事; 通常照例
  • "as a rule" 中文翻译 :    规章,规则;通常,照例; 通常照例; 通常,多半,照例; 通常,一般来说; 通常例如; 一般来说,通常来说; 在多数情况下,通常,一般而言; 总的来说
  • "be the rule" 中文翻译 :    普通情况;惯常的事
  • "by rule" 中文翻译 :    按规则; 按照规则地, 墨守成规地
  • "if-then rule" 中文翻译 :    如果-则规则, 蕴含规则
  • "rule" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.规则,规定;法则,定律;章程,规章;标准;(教会等的)教规,条例,教条;常例,惯例。 2.统治,支配;【法律】命令;(对某一案的)裁决,裁定。 3.尺,画线板;【印刷】线,线条。 4.【数学】解法。 5.〔the rules〕【英史】(允许囚犯交付保证金后迁往居住的)狱旁特区。 the rule(s) of the road 交通规则。 a hard and fast rule 严厉的规则;精密的标准。 Exception proves the rule. 有例外就证明有规则。 a carpenter's rule (木工)折尺。 a dotted [wave] rule 【印刷】点线;[波]线。 the golden rule 金科玉律。 make it a rule to (rise early) 惯于(早起);照例(起得早)。 R- Britannia 英国的爱国国歌。 rule of force 武力政治。 rule of three 比例的运算法则。 rule of thumb 手工业方式;靠经验估计。 rule test (石油产品的)简单评价法。 rules of decorum 礼法。 as a rule 通常,照例。 break rules 破例,犯规。 by rule 按规则。 by rule and line 准确地,精密地。 work to rule (故意)死扣规章而降低生产。 vt. 统治,控制,支配;管理;规定;判定;(用尺)画线。 the ruled class 被统治阶级。 rule paper with lines 在纸上画线。 ruled paper 划线纸。 rule the roast [roost] 当领袖。 be ruled by 听从…的忠告[指导]。 rule against 不许;否决。 rule off 划线隔开,不准参加比赛。 rule out 1. (用直线)划去。2.排除在外;拒绝考虑;使…不可能。 Bad weather ruled the picnic out for that day. 天气不好使那天的野餐告吹了。 vi. 控制,统治,支配 (over) 裁决,决定;【商业】(价格)稳定,经常。 prices ruled high 行市一直高。 Crops rule good. 庄稼情况一般都不错。 rule over 治理…;统治…。 adj. -less 无规则的,无约束的。
  • "rule of" 中文翻译 :    长官意志
  • "s rule" 中文翻译 :    杰克逊规则
  • "s rule of" 中文翻译 :    形定律
  • "t-rule" 中文翻译 :    丁字尺
  • "as a rule as a rule" 中文翻译 :    游击队党徒
  • "rule by rule" 中文翻译 :    依法理规则的
  • "rule-by-rule" 中文翻译 :    依法理规则的
  • "and device" 中文翻译 :    “与”门装置; “与”器件
  • "device" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.设计,计划;方法,手段。 2.〔pl.〕意志,欲望。 3.谋略,策略,诡计。 4.器具,器械,设备,装置。 5.图案,图样;花样;纹章;标记,商标;(纹章上的)题铭。 a safety device 安全设备。 a pressure device 压力计。 a homing device 自动寻的[导引]装置。 leave sb. to his own devices 让某人自行其是。
  • "or device" 中文翻译 :    “或”门装置; “或”装置
  • "this device" 中文翻译 :    这个装置
  • "conflict rule rule of" 中文翻译 :    conflict冲突规则
  • "flexible rule; tape rule" 中文翻译 :    卷尺
  • "the rule by man; rule of man" 中文翻译 :    人治
  • "a rigid rule" 中文翻译 :    死规矩
  • "a rule of thumb" 中文翻译 :    概测法; 经验或实践的方法
  • "abidance by rule" 中文翻译 :    遵守法规


  • During the semester we shall carry out exercises that attempt to see the world through others ' eyes , that employ ones own experience and knowledge as tools of observation and experimentation , that address the heritage of stable associations of use and form conveyed through architecture , that externalize some of the operations of design and that highlight esthetic intent along with the regulating devices and rules of design , and that consider more complex intermediate objects that have systemic as well as artifactual characteristics
    在这个学期中我们将做些练习,其目的是1 )试图通过他人的眼睛了解世界; 2 )利用一些人自身的经验和知识作为观察和试验的工具; 3 )传递通过建筑传达出的使用和形式之间稳定的历史传承关系; 4 )将设计中的一些操作过程具体展现出来; 5 )随着调节设计的策略和规则,强调感觉意图; 6 )考虑同时具有系统特性和人为特性,且更复杂的媒介实物。
  • During the semester we shall carry out exercises that attempt to see the world through others ' eyes , that employ ones own experience and knowledge as tools of observation and experimentation , that address the heritage of stable associations of use and form conveyed through architecture , that externalize some of the operations of design and that highlight esthetic intent along with the regulating devices and rules of design , and that consider more complex intermediate objects that have systemic as well as artifactual characteristics
用"device and rule"造句  
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